
Monday, October 22, 2012

A pile of unfinished sketchbooks

I have not once ever filled an entire sketchbook, mostly because:
1) I'm a complete scatterbrain
2) I don't set aside doodle time. It's organic. Usually I just start throwing puke or snot on lecture notes, then it takes up the whole page.
3) I'm usually too shy to bring it out in public, which is why i have a drawer of post-it notes, napkins, and index cards with drawings on them.

The plan is to now tape all of those scraps into a sketchbook. I'm thinking of calling it a
"scrapbook" (i'm in the process of trademarking that word)

E. H Shepard

E. H Shepard's Winnie-the-Pooh illustrations for A.A Milne's stories.

Daniel Clowes

the aged Riverdale Gang


Kaz's Underworld strip, a preliminary penciling and light-inking

Johnny Ryan

From his collection, "Shouldn't You Be Working", a series of doodles done in the workplace. You can see him transferring from the harsh scratch drawings of early Angry Youth Comix to his later, more cartoony, rubberhose look.

Robert Crumb

Sketch from Robert Crumb, bringing together is affection for the animal comics of his youth and his driving lust of his teenage-years (which lasted FOREVER)

Harvey Kurtzman

From the pre-MAD! days when Kurtzman was putting out EC's FRONTLINE COMBAT comics